

 (hereinafter referred to as "Ruiyun") hereby specifically reminds users to carefully read and fully understand this User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement"). Users should carefully read and fully understand the terms of this Agreement, particularly with respect to the exclusion or limitation of liability, dispute resolution and the application of law. Provisions that exclude or limit liability will be marked in bold and you should read them with emphasis. Please read carefully and choose to accept or not to accept this agreement (minors should be accompanied by a legal guardian to read). Your download, installation, use of the software and account access and login behavior will be deemed to accept this agreement, and agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.


Ruiyun has the right to amend this agreement, the updated terms of the agreement will be published on the official website or software, effective from the date of publication. Users can re-download and install the software or website to review the latest version of the terms of the agreement. After Ruiyun modify the terms of this agreement, if the user does not accept the revised terms, please immediately stop using the "svavo Intelligence" software and services provided by Ruiyun, the user continues to use the "svavo Intelligence" software and services provided by Ruiyun will be deemed to has accepted the revised agreement.


 I. General Provisions


 1.1. This Agreement is between you (hereinafter also referred to as the "User") and Ruiyun and its operating partners (hereinafter referred to as the "Partners") regarding the download, installation and use of Ruiyun "svavo Intelligence" software (hereinafter referred to as the "User"). "Software" (hereinafter referred to as the "Software") and the use of RuiYun related services entered into by the agreement.


 1.2. The Software and Services are provided by Ruiyun installed on mobile smart terminal devices, including but not limited to software and services for the use of the smart terminal users to provide binding, operation of intelligent products and other services.


 1.3. The ownership and operation of the software and services are owned by Ruiyun.


 Second, the scope of software licensing


 2.1. Ruiyun on the software gives the user a personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive license.


 2.2. The user can install, use, display, and run the software on a single mobile terminal device for non-commercial purposes. However, the User may not install, use, or run the Software for commercial operation purposes, and may not copy, change, modify, hook up, or create any derivative works of the Software or the data released into the memory of any terminal device during the operation of the Software and the interaction data between the client and the server during the operation of the Software, including but not limited to the use of plug-ins, plug-ins, or non-authorized third-party tools/services to access the Software and related systems. The software and related systems may be accessed through plug-ins, plug-ins or unauthorized third-party tools/services. If commercial sales, copying and distribution, such as software pre-installation and bundling, are required, written authorization and permission must be obtained from RuiYun.


 2.3. The User may make one copy of the Software for the purpose of using the Software and Services for backup purposes only. The backup copy must contain all copyright information contained in the original Software.


 2.4. In addition to the express authorization of this Agreement, RuiYun does not authorize the user other rights, if the user uses other rights must additionally obtain written consent from RuiYun.


 Third, the software acquisition, installation, upgrade


 3.1. The user should download and install the software product in accordance with Rui Yun's designated website or specified manner. Beware of downloading the software in non-designated sites to avoid mobile devices infected with malicious programs that can damage user data and access to user privacy information. If the user obtains the software from a third party that is not authorized by Ruivol or an installer with the same name as the software, Ruivol cannot guarantee that the software can be used properly and is not responsible for any damage caused to you as a result.


 3.2. Users must choose the version of the Software that matches the installed terminal equipment, otherwise, any software problems, equipment problems or damage caused by the mismatch between the Software and the equipment model will be borne by the user.


 3.3. In order to improve the user experience, improve service content, RuiYun has the right to provide you with replacement, modification, upgrade version of the software from time to time, also has the right to replace, modify or upgrade charges, but will be charged in advance to obtain your consent. The software for the user to open the default "software upgrade" function, depending on the user's version of the software differences, Ruiyun provide users with their own choice whether they need to upgrade the software. After the release of the new version of the software, Ruiyun does not guarantee that the old version of the software continues to be available.


 Fourth, the use of norms


 4.1. Users in compliance with the law and the premise of this Agreement can use the software and services in accordance with this Agreement, the user shall not implement the following behavior:


 4.1.1. delete all information about copyright on the Software and other copies, as well as modify, delete or circumvent the technical measures set up by the Software to protect intellectual property rights;

 4.1.2. reverse engineering the Software, such as disassembling, decompiling or otherwise attempting to obtain the source code of the Software;

 4.1.3. adding, deleting or changing the functions or operating effects of the Software by modifying or falsifying the instructions or data in the operation of the Software, or operating or disseminating the Software or methods used for such purposes to the public, whether or not such acts are for commercial purposes;

 4.1.4. use the Software for any act that jeopardizes network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts; accessing the public network or another person's operating system without permission and deleting, modifying, or adding stored information; attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Software's system or network or otherwise committing acts that undermine network security without permission; Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of the Software's system or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses and other acts that disrupt and interfere with normal network information services; forging TCP/IP packet names or partial names;

 4.1.5. the user through the non-RuiYun intelligent company development, authorization or approval of third-party compatible software, system login or use of the software and services, or the production, release, dissemination of the above tools;

 4.1.6. without the written consent of Ruiyun, the user of the software and its information in the unauthorized implementation of the following acts, including but not limited to: use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reproduce, compile, publish, publish, establish a mirror site, unauthorized use of the software to develop derivative products, works, services, plug-ins, plug-ins, compatibility, interconnection, etc.;;

 4.1.7. use the Software to publish, transmit, distribute, or store content that violates local laws and regulations;

 4.1.8. the use of the Software to publish, transmit, distribute, or store content that infringes on the intellectual property rights, trade secrets, and other legal rights of others

 4.1.9. the use of the Software to publish, transmit or disseminate advertising information and spam in bulk;

 4.1.10. other use of the Software and other services provided by Wise Home Group in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with the permitted use of this Agreement;


4.2. Information Distribution Guidelines

 4.2.1. You may use the Software to publish information content such as opinions, data, text, messages, usernames, images, photos, personal information, audio and video files, links, etc. that are original to you or that you have the right to publish. You must ensure that you own the intellectual property rights of the content you upload or have obtained legal authorization, and that any use of the Software and Services by you does not infringe the legal rights of any third party.

 4.2.2. You must comply with local laws and regulations when using the Software.

 4.2.3. You shall not use the Software to engage in any of the following acts, including but not limited to: producing, copying, publishing, distributing, or storing content that violates local laws and regulations; publishing, transmitting, disseminating, or storing content that infringes on the legal rights of others such as reputation, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, and trade secrets; falsifying facts or concealing the truth in order to mislead or deceive others; publishing, transmitting and disseminating advertising information and spam; Engage in other acts that violate local laws and regulations.

 4.2.4. Without the permission of RuiYun, you may not carry out any commercial behavior in the Software such as publishing advertisements, selling goods.


 4.3. You understand and agree that

 4.3.1. Ruiyun will determine whether the user is suspected of violating the above usage specifications, and based on the results of the determination to suspend or terminate your license to use or take other restrictive measures that can be taken in accordance with this agreement;

 4.3.2. for the user to use the licensed software released suspected of violating the law or suspected of infringing the legal rights of others or violating this agreement, Rui Yun will directly delete;;

 4.3.3. for the user to violate the above use of the norms of third-party damage, you need to independently bear the legal responsibility in their own name, and should ensure that Rui Yun from losses or increased costs incurred as a result;;

 4.3.4. If the user violates the relevant legal provisions or agreement, so that RuiYun suffered damage, or by a third party's claims, or by the administrative authorities, the user shall compensate RuiWo for the resulting losses and/or costs incurred, including reasonable attorney's fees, investigation and evidence collection costs.


V. Service risks and disclaimer


 5.1. Users must equip their own mobile terminal devices to access the Internet and use telecom value-added services, and bear their own communication fees, information fees and other related fees charged by their personal mobile terminal devices to access the Internet or by third parties (including but not limited to telecommunication or mobile communication providers). If value-added telecommunication services are involved, we recommend that you confirm the relevant fees with your value-added telecommunication service provider.


 5.2. Users due to third-party such as communication line failure, technical problems, network, mobile terminal equipment failure, system instability and various other force majeure reasons suffered all losses, RuiYun and cooperation units are not responsible.


 5.3. The software is the same as most Internet software, including but not limited to user reasons, the quality of network services, social environment and other factors such as differences in impact, may be subject to a variety of security issues, such as others using the user's data, causing real-life harassment; users download and install other software or visit other sites containing "Trojan horse "The user downloads and installs other software or visits other websites that contain viruses such as Trojan horses, which threaten the safety of the user's terminal device information and data, and then affect the normal use of the software, etc. Users should strengthen the awareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attention to strengthen password protection to avoid losses and harassment.


 5.4. Because the user uses the software or requires Rui Yun to provide specific services, the software may call third-party systems or third-party software to support the user's use or access, the use or access to the results provided by the third party, Rui Yun does not guarantee the security, accuracy, effectiveness and other uncertainties of the results achieved through third-party systems or third-party software support, if any disputes arising from this and 5.5.

 5.5. Rui Yun specifically draws the attention of the user, Rui Yun in order to protect the autonomy of the company's business development and adjustment, Rui Yun intelligent company has the right to modify or interrupt the service at any time without notice to the user, Rui Yun exercise the right to modify or interrupt the service is not responsible for the user or any third party.


 5.6. Except as expressly provided by law or regulation, we will do our best to ensure that the software and the technology and information involved in the software is secure, effective, accurate, and reliable, but subject to the limitations of existing technology, the user understands that RuiWo cannot guarantee this.


 5.7. Personal injury or incidental and consequential economic damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of data, business interruption damages or other commercial damages or losses, arising out of or in connection with any of the following shall be the sole responsibility of the user:

 5.7.1. use or failure to use the Licensed Software;

 5.7.2. unauthorized use of the software or alteration of the User's data by third parties;

 5.7.3. costs and damages arising from acts performed by the User with the Software;

 5.7.4. misinterpretation of the software by the user;

 5.7.5. other losses related to the software not caused by Ravo.


5.8. All liability for any personal or financial injury or loss that may result or may result from misleading or deceptive conduct between the User and other users of the Software through the Software shall be borne by the party at fault in accordance with law.


 VI. Intellectual property rights statement


 6.1. Ruiyun Intelligent Company is the intellectual property rights of the Software. All copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights of this software, and all information content related to this software (including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, video, graphics, interface design, layout frames, relevant data or electronic documents, etc.) are protected by your local laws and regulations and the corresponding international treaties, Ruiwu enjoy the above intellectual property rights.


 6.2 Without the written consent of Ruiyun, the user may not implement, use, or transfer the above intellectual property rights for any commercial or non-commercial purposes by itself or licensed to any third party, Ruiyun reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for the above actions.


 VII. Changes to the agreement


 7.1. Rui Yun has the right to modify the terms of this agreement when necessary, the terms of the agreement once the change will be published on the relevant page of the revised terms of the agreement. If you do not agree with the changes, the user should take the initiative to cancel the service. If the user continues to use the service, it is deemed to accept the changes to the terms of the agreement.


 7.2. RuiYun and partner companies have the right to modify or change the fee-based services, fees, fees, service fees and terms of service provided as needed. RuiYun in the provision of services, may now or in the future for some of the services of the user to start charging a certain fee if the user refuses to pay such fees, then you can not continue to use the relevant services after the start of the fee. RuiYun and partner companies will make their best efforts to notify users of modifications or changes by email or other means.

Anyone who logs in this software in any way or uses the information of this software directly or indirectly is deemed to voluntarily accept the binding of this software statement. For issues not covered by this statement, please refer to the relevant national laws and regulations. In case of conflict between this statement and national laws and regulations, national laws and regulations shall prevail.

This software statement and its right to modify, update and the final interpretation of the right belong to Ruiyun (Shenzhen) Intelligent Technology Co.